Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 7

2 days of no workouts & not eating good= morning weigh-in of.....164.4, not bad at all! I am not going to get caught up on a lb or 2 fluctuation b/c that is normal on a daily basis. Plus that its my favorite week of the month (note sarcasm here) so I'm expected to be a little bloated this week.
Food wasn't great but wasn't horrible either today.
B- fiber one oats & PB bar
L-small bowl chili, hot dog, fruit & veggies & small slice of chocolate cake (i will be so happy once we are done celebrating birthdays here at work!)
D-PB&J sandwich and some reduced fat wheat thin chips

exercise- treadmill workout, 25 pushups & 50 situps
And...the exercise was a lot easier this time that it was this weekend! :)


  1. You are so sweet for your comments! I know you can do it. You have a little over 5 months and as it gets closer your motivation will go into overdrive. When I was in the high 160s, I started weight training. I followed the workout program from a book called "Body for Life". I dropped 15 pounds in a snap. I also tried their nutrition program, which is based on 6 small meals and it works! But it was a little hard to stick to. As I lifted more, I was able to eat more and not put on as much weight. I never got bulky, only leaner. I know you will reach your goal. =)

  2. Don't get discouraged!Just keep working hard and don't dwell over food mistakes,just do your best.Stay Strong JC

  3. Thanks for the comments! It's very motivating to see your responses. Reminds me that someone is reading these. :)
