Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 12

Morning weigh in: 162.6 again! That makes me happy! :)
My thighs are sore from treadmill & Saturday's squats but nothing on the arms. Guess I'll have to push harder!!!
B- 2 granola bars-220 cal (these are quaker chewy bars with protein but they don't fill me up as much as the fiber one bars do)
L- 1 pt Progressive soup-chicken veg. rotinni (120 cal)
S- cheese, crackers, fruit & a bacardi twist drink (celebration party at work for 2 coworkers who passed the CPA exam this year. Maybe a party for me will be soon as I'm 1/2 way done & have 2 parts left to pass)
D-tomato soup & grilled cheese sandwich. Steve is feeling sick & that is always what he wants when he's sick. seems odd to me but whatever makes him feel better!
I'm taking today & tomorrow off for exercise.