Tuesday, May 26, 2009

4 days to go

Sorry I'm such a late blogger this week. Thats what happens when I don't blog in AM at work.
B- glass of milk
L- 2 slices of homemade pizza
S- 1 monster cookie (my fav! M&MS, choc chip & oatmeal mmmm)
D- margarita, chips & salsa & 1 beef enchilada after we got our nails done at the mall
S- milk & another cookie!

I'm going to try to weigh in tomorrow if I remember! Everyone starts to arrive tomorrow & the craziness beings! Wish us luck! :)


  1. Good luck, don't stress too much. This is such and exciting time...take it all in. :)

  2. Today is your special day and I just wanted to wish you the happiest day of your life and that things go well. :)
